Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Top 10 Reasons for Thanksgiving

1. Think--Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. One reason for the season is to give people a break and give them time to think about what to be thankful for.

2. Thank--Visiting family and friends for Thanksgiving gives time to thank people for being there for them.

3. Visit--Many people do not have a chance to see much of their family and friends. Thanksgiving gives people the opportunity to visit.

4. Break--Work and school take up a lot of time these days. Thanksgiving gives people a break from work and school.

5. History--History was made around these times many years ago. This season is a reminder of history.

6. Sleep--The Thanksgiving break allows for people to get more sleep and reenergized after a long time without break.

7. Shopping--People use this break to shop for Christmas.

8. Stores--Gives stores a chance to makes good deals on supplies for Christmas.

9. Reconnect with God--Thanksgiving always helps my family to take the time to give praise and to reconnect with God.

10. Food--The meal for Thanksgiving gives people a chance to eat shamelessly.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Think Win-Win

The book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey is a book that I recently read for my english class. Habit 4, think win-win, is the habit that I need to work on the most.

I am a very competitive person so I am constantly thinking win-lose. This means that I always have to win and someone else has to lose.

A group of friends and I had a prank war going on a few months ago. Whoever plays the biggest prank on someone else wins the game. During the two months that this game was played, I was so caught up in winning, that i almost lost all of my friends in the process of just getting the small title as the winner. I won the game but my friends, the losers, were all hurt.

If I was not so competitive and thought win-win, we would all have had fun and maybe we would have all won.

Thinking win-win is important in friendships as well as in everything else.

I recommend The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens to all teenagers to help lead a positive life.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Attitudes and Mood Swings

A persons attitude can be so easily changed. A few examples of some events that easily change a person's attitude are small comments other people make, the attitude of another person, a ball game, a grade, and many other events. For most people (teenagers especially) keeping a good, positive attitude can be difficult.

On most mornings, I start out in a good mood. I get up before anyone else in my family so that I can get ready without interruptions. When my sisters or my mother get up and they do not bother me, I remain in a good mood. But if they start questioning me about random topics or homework that they should have done the night before, my attitude changes swiftly. Or if they wake up on the wrong side of the bed, my good mood fades and a very snotty, teenage attitude takes its place.

Attitudes do not always change just in the mornings. They are changing all the time! I can arrive at school with a great attitude but then get to my first class and hear a rumor that has been going around about me or one of my friends and my attitude is immediately changed from good to bad. First period does not even have to be the class that I hear this rumor and get a major mood swing. This could happen at lunch, last period, or even after school.

Mood swings do not even have to go from good to bad. They can also go from bad to good. On the Saturday morning after a big loss for the Pioneers at a Friday Night Football Game, I wake up in an awful mood. I snap at my mom and sisters all morning because I am upset about losing. Later on a friend calls me and tells me a crazy story that makes me laugh. This little laugh changes my mood for the rest of the day and I have a better attitude towards everyone.

People should maintain a positive attitude every day and not let the small events ruin their moods. Here are some words of encouragement to get and stay in a good mood.

1. If you are in a good mood and you hear a rumor about you or someone makes a rude comment to you, ignore them!! Once people see that the rumors or the comments do not phase you, they will move on from you and stop bothering you.

2. If a person around you has a really bad attitude, do not copy them and get one too. Instead try to cheer that person up! If he or she refuses to get happy, move away from that person and go hang out with people that are in a better mood.

3. If a game goes bad, do not let that put you in a bad mood. Just think "Hey there is always next week!" or if that was the last game of the season, "There is always next year!" Just because that game went bad does not mean that the world is going to end.

4. If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and start the day in a bad mood, find something or someone that makes you happy and start the day over!

Have a good day and keep a positive attitude!!