PÉREZ-PEÑA, Richard, and Marc Santora. "The New York Times." The New York Times - Breaking
News, World News & Multimedia. 13 Feb. 2005. Web. 09 Oct. 2010.
In this article, Perez-Pena and Santora touch on the subject of H.I.V caused by sex with multiple partners. These two authors interviewed many people who have experienced loss of friends and family because of the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Sex with multiple partners is being discouraged for people of all ages in this article. In Huxley's Brave New World, having multiple sex partners is encouraged, and if someone only wants one partner, they are looked down upon. Also in "BNW," the people do not get diseases, this is also an encouragement for having sexual activity with more that one partner. With technology getting more advanced (like I pointed out in the first article) STD's may not be heard of in the future. Will this encourage sex with multiple partners in our society?
Lemonick, Michael D., David Bjerklie, Alice Park/New York, and Dick Thompson/Washington.
"Designer Babies - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech
Reviews - TIME.com. 11 Jan. 1999. Web. 09 Oct. 2010.
Technology has become so advanced that people are now being able to predetermine their baby's sex! An article called "Designer Babies" talks about this progressing technology. It started with a couple wanting a baby girl (Jessica). This couple did genetic prescreening at a fertility clinic in Fairfax, Va. When this prescreening worked, scientists started looking for ways "to screen kids almost before conception for an enormous range of attributes, such as how tall they're likely to be, what body type they will have, their hair and eye color, what sorts of illnesses they will be naturally resistant to, and even, conceivably, their IQ and personality type." With technology becoming so advanced, our society will be able to make these screenings within only a few generations. Brave New World's society is evolved around this kind of technology. Everyone was made with specific traits that the society wanted them to have. Our society is heading thsat way.
Sharon BegleyFebruary. "Human Clones: One Step Closer - Newsweek." Newsweek - National News,
World News, Business, Health, Technology, Entertainment, and More - Newsweek. 3 Feb. 2009. Web.
27 Sept. 2010. http://www.newsweek.com/blogs/lab-notes/2009/02/03/human-clones-one-step-
Begley's article talked about research on cloning and how far scientist have come on being able to clone humans. Scientist have gotten far in their research and have been able to clone the sheep, Dolly, in 1997, but have not yet been able to clone a human. This article is related to the clone aspect of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The people of "BNW" do not have children naturally but use technology to make clones. The way this article connects to Brave New World makes me wonder if our society will soon be similar to the cloned society in Huxley's book.
Sherover, Max. "Learn While You Sleep - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News
Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com. 2 Feb. 1948. Web. 09 Oct. 2010.
Max Sherover made a mind-writer or "cerebrograph". He started his experiments because his eight year old son had to memorize a poem for school. The poem was repeated aloud while the boy was falling asleep. The next morning, Sherover's son "babbled" the poem without a slip. After confirming his idea of the cerebrograph, Max's idea was spread and professors began to conduct larger experiments on learning while sleeping. These experiments were proved to be successful.
Sherover's article reffered to Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World. In Brave New World Huxley uses "hypnopaedia" or sleep-teaching to give lessons to the characters. When the question "How far will this Brave New World be carried?" arouse, Sherover replied with "Not much further." I disagree with his statement though, technology is becoming very advanced and there is still a lot more to discover.
Southall, Ashley. "The New York Times." The New York Times - Breaking News, World New &
Multimedia. 4 May 2010. Web. 09 Oct. 2010. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/05/us/05marijuana.html.
Washington approves of medical uses of marijuana in this article by Ashley Southall. Marijuana in our society is illegal in most states and users of this drug are looked down upon. But now, marijuana is being legalized and used for medical uses. "The 13-member Council voted unanimously to allow doctors to recommend marijuana for people who are infected with H.I.V., as well as people with glaucoma, cancer or a “chronic and lasting disease.” This statement brings up another point that I made in my last post about technology and STDs. Legalizing marijuana relates to the book Brave New World. In this book, the characters took soma which was a drug to control their emotions and if they were feeling sick. Soma gave them a feeling of being high (the feeling that people get when using marijuana) and everyone in the society of "BNW" were trained to take it all of the time. Since the drug marijuana is now being legalized and used for medication, will other illegal drugs be legalized and corrupt our society?