Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The BP Oil Leak

Lately, the BP oil spill has been one of the most discussed stories in the news. I have been researching many news sites such as The New York Times, Newsweek, Yahoo! news, and many other sites looking for information on what BP has tried to do to recover from the blowup and stop the leak. BP's drilling on a deep water well caused a major blowup and they have tried in many ways to stop the leak. Unfortunately, all of the attempts to stop the leak have failed. Did BP take enough precaution to keep the leak from happening? Is BP working hard enough to stop the leak and to clean up this huge tragedy? These are just a few of the questions that came to mind when I began researching. I have come to the conclusion that BP has been very irresponsible in caring for their wells and should stop deep water drilling before there is another blowup.

Did BP take enough precaution to keep the leak from happening? "Efforts to activate the well's blowout preventer fail" is what I read from David Cutler's timeline on Yahoo! news. In other words, BP made the precaution to put in a blowout preventer before drilling. They made a precaution but that was obviously not enough. The best way to have prevented the blowout would have been to not drill at all.

Is BP working hard enough to stop the leak and to clean up the big mess? BP has tried many times to stop the leak but the leak still has not been stopped. 'Top Kill' has been the last failed attempt to stop the leak so far.
BP tried to build a containment cap to plug the well before attempting 'Top Kill' and now that 'Top Kill' has failed they are trying to use a containment cap again. "Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production, said at a news conference that the engineers would try once again to solve the problem with a containment cap and that it could take four to seven days for the device to be in place," was part of an interview that I found while researching on The New York Times. Also while researching, I found that the Louisiana government has taken a stand on cleaning up the spill. Newsweek had a story on how the Florida government has also taken a big stand on cleaning up the big mess. BP has not taken the stands that these two governments have on the cleanup.

In conclusion, although BP has tried in many ways to prevent a blowup and stop the leak, have not done enough and should work harder at making the economy safer.

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