Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Opposite Sex Friends While In A Relationship

Many people in relationships have friends of the opposite sex. The boyfriend has friends who are girls and the girlfriend has friends that are guys. The opposite sex friends might possibly be really close friends. In a blog that I read, the author talks about the debate over whether a person can have close friends of the opposite sex while in a committed relationship.

The author of this blog defends having friends of the opposite sex. I agree with her. The fact that someone is in a closed relationship does not mean that all friends of the opposite sex have to be out of the picture. My best friend actually is a guy, I am in a closed, committed relationship. My boyfriend has no problem with me having guy friends because he trusts me. All of my boyfriend's coworkers are female. This does not bother me because I trust him. If there is no trust in a relationship...then there shouldn't be a relationship, period. Trust is not the only issue on this subject, though, jealousy is a big problem in relationships. People that do not agree with their partner having friends of the opposite sex may trust their partner, but is jealous of the friend. I personally have faced the jealousy problem. Too many friends that are girls, and his opposite sex friends are too pretty and too flirtatious, and he hangs out with them too much. All of those factors have bothered me and made me jealous of those other girls that were his close friends. But once the realization that he chose me as his girl and not them helped me get over that jealousy.

Others disagree and argue that people in relationships should not have opposite sex friends unless those friends are only friends of the couple and not the individual. I can understand this logic but still have a separate opinion. Wouldn't opposite sex friends build the trust in the relationship and help the couple as individuals learn to overcome their jealousy habits?

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